
By observing for many years, the needs of our clients, we have expanded our business with car rental for companies.

Car rental is a very interesting alternative to buying a new car. It is also a good method for pre-purchase tests of the chosen model. Usually, it is worth checking if the car we are planning to buy reflects our desires.

Malibu Auto Centrum offers short-term and long-term rental.

As an experienced car showroom, we place great emphasis on customer comfort.

Therefore, during the rental period, we cover the following fees:

  • Insurance (OC, AC, NNW, Assistance for Europe)
  • Service Costs (Basic)
  • Impairment of the Vehicle
  • Financing Costs of the Vehicle
  • Consumables (in Normal Wear)
  • Ability to Locate the Car (GPS)
  • Winter Tires (including Replacement and Seasonal Storage)
  • Service in the Event of Damage
  • Replacement Car

Due to covering the fees above, the tenant only pays a monthly rental invoice.

Please contact our advisor and check on what expense you can rent your chosen car!

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